Bambusa lako, commonly referred to as "Timor Black Bamboo," is a striking clumping bamboo species native to the island of Timor in Indonesia. This medium-to-large bamboo is renowned for its glossy, deep purple to black culms, which develop their rich coloration as they mature, often contrasting beautifully with the plant's bright green foliage. Typically, Bambusa lako grows to a height up to 15 meters, with culms measuring up to 8 cm in diameter, and features a smooth, straight, and elegant growth habit.
Highly sought after for ornamental purposes, Bambusa lako is often used as a dramatic focal point in landscaping projects, whether as a standalone feature, in groves, or as a living screen. Its thick-walled culms are also prized for functional uses, including furniture making, decorative crafts, and light construction. The durability and aesthetic appeal of its culms make it a preferred choice for high-end garden furniture and fencing. Additionally, this bamboo species is drought-tolerant and adapts well to a variety of soils, making it suitable for erosion control and sustainable landscaping projects. With its unique beauty and versatility, Bambusa lako is an exceptional choice for both practical and decorative applications.
Bambusa lako
Timor black bamboo, lako